Your Health Is Your Wealth

Your Health Is Your Wealth

Friday, September 11, 2015

Weight Loss Herbs Thаt Work

Just about anyone who is looking to lose weight is looking for a magic pill. While there is no magic pill for weight loss, some specific herbs are recognized as being able to help promote weight loss. Some herbs work by increasing your body’s metabolism and some work as diuretics which are designed to cause water loss. It іѕ important tо understand thаt thеѕе herbs do nоt present а magic solution, but wіll оnlу work іn conjunction wіth healthy diet аnd exercise.

Here follows five natural weight loss herbs thаt have been known to work fоr some people:

Green Tea

Green tea provides a coffee-like effect, but it is much healthier and provides you with Vitamin C and flavonoids.  Studies show that green tea extract may help to boost your metabolism and help to burn fat.  One study confirmed that the combination of green tea and caffeine improved weight loss in overweight and moderately obese persons.  Some of the research suggests that the polyphenols, specifically the catechins, are responsible for the herb’s fat-burning effect. The most important of these is EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate), a substance that can boost metabolism.


Capsaicin in chili peppers
You are probably familiar with this popular spice, but you may not have known that you can use it for weight loss.  Cayenne pepper has capsaicin which stimulate saliva and digestion, thus speeding up your metabolism, but at a safe level.  In a six-week study of 25 non-overweight adults, two Purdue researchers found cayenne helped increase study participants’ body temperatures and the amount of calories they burned. Just a half of a teaspoon of cayenne pepper along with a meal can help suppress appetite and burn calories. Interestingly, study subjects who reported they did not prefer or regularly use the spice before the test got the biggest benefits: reduced appetites and a decreased craving for salty, fatty, or sweet foods. (Read more: 6 Spicy Health Benefits of Cayenne Pepper)


weight loss herbs
This herb is a natural thyroid stimulant, and it is a great source of trace minerals such as chromium and iodine.  According to Food Matters, Seaweeds play a role in boosting weight loss and deterring cellulite build-up. Their naturally high concentration of iodine, helps to stimulate the thyroid gland, which is responsible for maintaining a healthy metabolism. At the same time, its minerals act like electrolytes to break the chemical bonds that seal the fat cells, allowing trapped wastes to escape.” Being rich in chlorophyll (the pigment that makes some seaweeds green), seaweed is “a powerful, natural detoxifier that helps to draw out waste products.”

Caution: If you are taking medication for your thyroid or if you believe that you weight may be due to a thyroid condition, you must and should consult your doctor before taking seaweed.


Rich in vitamins A, B, C, and D,  dandelion is a natural herb which helps you to lose weight.  It actually serves as a diuretic and, therefore, causes weight loss bу decreasing thе amount оf water іn thе body.  In Health Benefits of Dandelions, the writer notes:
Our urine consists of up to 4% fat, so the more we urinate, the more water and fats are lost from the body. Dandelions, being diuretic in nature, promotes urination and thereby helps lose the dreaded “water weight” without causing any side effects. Furthermore, dandelions are low in calories, like most leafy greens, but for the small expense of calories (1oo cal./ 4 cups), you get a huge amount of beneficial side effects. This is also why dandelions are sometimes used as sweeteners, because they are not packed with unhealthy sugars.  


Glucomannan, made from the root of the Amorphophallus Konjac plant, mау help weight loss bу delaying thе absorption оf glucose frоm thе intestines.  It has been used for thousands of years as “a thickener or gelling agent” in traditional Japanese cooking.  In Japan, it is referred to as "the broom of the intestines." Dr. Oz explains, "When consumed, glucomannan “sponges” up water in the digestive tract, reducing the absorption of carbs and cholesterol and thus supporting weight loss. [...] This supplement also makes you feel full without leaving you gassy or bloated." (qtd in Glucomannan: The Weight-Loss Supplement Dr. Oz Loves)

If you are considering using herbs as means of losing weight, you should do your proper due diligence.  Not only should you do a good deal of research but you should also consult your family physician.  While herbs аrе “'natural,” you should also develop healthy eating habits and an exercise regimen.

To Your Success, Health and Wealth,
EPX Body Ignite Maxx


Monday, September 7, 2015

Broccoli, a Super Food

What are super foods? They seem to go above and beyond the call of duty when it comes to providing positive benefits to our bodies. Broccoli a super food, is one of the best, and you are about to find out why.

EPX Body Daily
What is it about this little green cruciferous plant? The bushy tops remind us of tiny trees. The smell makes us want to stay away but why do we keep coming back to this sulfur-filled little veggie? The answer is simple – it is a food for the ages.

If there is one vegetable that you need to give consideration to, it is broccoli. You have all heard about antioxidants, right? Well, getting them into your diet is a bit of a feat. Some foods contain a little and others contain a little more, so it is the combination of foods that give us as many as we can stand. No one knows for sure how many you need, but the more the merrier.

Broccoli contains polyphenols, a champion antioxidant substance. And, it contains more of it than most other vegetables and fruits. There are only two ahead of it. Antioxidants fight diseases like cancer. Eating broccoli and cauliflower (another cruciferous powerhouse) can greatly reduce your chances of developing cancer in the body. If you have already developed tumors, this vegetable can reduce their growth over time. Researchers are studying the effects right now.

Broccoli is also good for the heart. This muscle keeps us alive and the blood circulating to all parts so the cells can do their jobs. You will be challenged to find a vegetable that is richer in fiber, folate, vitamin B and C and potassium. Bananas are good but broccoli is a little better.

Folate is instrumental in preventing certain neural birth defects. Obstetricians recommend increasing folate levels during pregnancy.

Fiber helps to lower cholesterol. It gives you that feeling of fullness so that you eat less at a meal. Lower cholesterol means less clogging of the arteries and the strokes and heart attacks that can result. While the bad cholesterol numbers drop, the good cholesterol numbers rise to keep blood vessels healthy and elastic.

One serving of broccoli can provide all of these benefits and more. And, there are only 30 calories. You can eat broccoli for lunch and dinner and breakfast (if you dare) with no significant calorie gain. Broccoli can be eaten raw in slaw and salads. If you cook it, try steaming so that the vegetable retains all of its nutrition. Then add it to stir fry, casseroles and as toppings for potatoes.

What is there not to like about broccoli? If the taste is too bland, add some seasoning to liven it up. But, get a hold of this super food for strong bones, heart and health overall.

To Your Success, Health and Wealth,
EPX Body


Saturday, September 5, 2015

Benefits of Green Tea

Benefits of Green Tea
There has been an influx of media coverage about the health benefits of green tea. Most green tea enthusiasts may base their opinions on green tea around their own experiences of the beverage. The Chinese have been drinking green tea for thousands of years due to its miracle working abilities. Green tea has been used by the Chinese for treating minor headaches to much larger matters such as preventing cancer.

Many health studies are beginning to shine some light on the facets and benefits of green tea. What are the benefits from green tea that can affect your life? The following are four major benefits of green tea that may substantially change your life.

#1  Helps Weight Loss: A Benefit of Green Tea

The high concentration of polyphenols in green tea helps to oxidize fat and encourage thermogenesis. Thermogenesis in the body is the rate which the body burns calories. Green tea results in an increase of energy which raises the metabolism, therefore, more weight is lost than normal. As a morning beverage, green tea has a small amount of calories compared to most other beverages that Americans drink in the morning. The constant barrage of coffee as most peoples’ morning beverage results in a higher amount of daily calories compared to green tea as a beverage in the morning. A substitution of green tea instead of reaching for a cup of joe will make a big difference in the size of your waistline.

#2  Prevents Cancer: A Benefit of Green Tea

The antioxidants in green tea eliminate free radicals that plague the body. These free radicals cause aging and cancer. The polyphenols of green tea constantly search for free radicals and they prevent the formation of unstable oxygen molecules in a process known as oxidation. This oxidation damages healthy cells of the body and have been linked to illnesses like cancer, heart disease, and even strokes. The polyphenols in green tea prevent the birth of abnormal cells, inflammation, and destroy most cancer causing agents.

#3  Helps Maintain Healthy Teeth: A Benefit of Green Tea

Green tea is well known for keeping teeth clean because of one of its ingredients, fluoride. The fluoride kills the bacteria in the mouth that causes plaque. Also, fluoride helps to maintain healthy, cavity-free teeth. This helps to prevent general tooth decay inside of the mouth. This cannot be about coffee which stains the teeth with an ugly yellow tinge. The oral health of teeth can be vastly improved with the consumption of green tea.

#4  Lowers Cholesterol: A Benefit of Green Tea

Green tea may be a possible solution for all those suffering from conditions of high cholesterol. Heart attacks are one of the most common problems associated with bad cholesterol. Drinking green tea could possibly lower this stunning high risk. Green tea lowers the bad cholesterol’s levels, LDL cholesterol and prevents the occurrence of blood clots in the body. The LDL cholesterol flows through the liver and cells forming heavy deposits on artery walls. The catechins in green tea help to decrease the amount of bad cholesterol. Also, the catechins help to maintain a healthy good cholesterol to bad cholesterol ratio improving the overall health of the body.

If weight loss, the prevention of cancer, healthy teeth, and lower cholesterol do not give you an idea that green tea is a miracle worker, you must be working with some pretty powerful magic. A couple of cups of tea in addition to your normal daily beverage will greatly decrease the risk of any bad conditions. The only side effect that has been clearly recognized is the daily overdose of caffeine. This problem has been addressed through the usage of green tea extract. Green tea can be taken in a pill form with all the benefits of normal green tea. So, we hope that you begin a daily green tea regimen tomorrow!

To Your Success, Health and Wealth,
Benefits of GreenTea


Thursday, September 3, 2015

Four Things Women Can Do to Lower Their Blood Pressure

What are the four things that women can do to lower their blood pressure?

Before discussing those four things, let's discuss how high blood pressure can affect your body.  Marcelle Pick, OB/GYN NP, writes in High Blood Pressure — Lowering The Strain, "Sadly, most people experience no discernable sign of high blood pressure until the damage is done and cannot be reversed. Chronic high blood pressure can shorten your lifespan by 10–20 years and is linked with some of our most entrenched degenerative problems, like type 2 diabetes and coronary heart disease (CHD). Ultimately, hypertension places you at high risk for stroke, heart attack, and renal failure."

And, what a lot of women don't seem to recognize is that women have just as much of a risk of high blood pressure as does a man. "With one in four women in America being diagnosed with high blood pressure, chances are you or a woman you love will be affected," says Pick.

According to the Mayo Clinic, uncontrolled high blood pressure can lead to any of the following: 
  • Heart attack or stroke. High blood pressure can cause hardening and thickening of the arteries (atherosclerosis), which can lead to a heart attack, stroke or other complications. 
  • Aneurysm. Increased blood pressure can cause your blood vessels to weaken and bulge, forming an aneurysm. If an aneurysm ruptures, it can be life-threatening.
  • Heart failure. To pump blood against the higher pressure in your vessels, your heart muscle thickens. Eventually, the thickened muscle may have a hard time pumping enough blood to meet your body's needs, which can lead to heart failure.
  • Weakened and narrowed blood vessels in your kidneys. This can prevent these organs from functioning normally.
  • Thickened, narrowed or torn blood vessels in the eyes. This can result in vision loss.
  • Metabolic syndrome. This syndrome is a cluster of disorders of your body's metabolism, including increased waist circumference; high triglycerides; low high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, the "good" cholesterol; high blood pressure; and high insulin levels. These conditions make you more likely to develop diabetes, heart disease and stroke.
  • Trouble with memory or understanding. Uncontrolled high blood pressure may also affect your ability to think, remember and learn. Trouble with memory or understanding concepts is more common in people with high blood pressure. (Read more here: High Blood Pressure.) 
Now, there are some things that you can not change when it comes to improving your odds against hypertension. For example, some women get high blood pressure as they become older, specifically "once women lose the protection of estrogen after menopause, the incidence of high blood pressure rises sharply to reach levels similar to men’s."  Certainly, you and I both know that turning back the hands of the clock to become younger is an impossibility.  

You also can not change your genetic make up. If you have a history of hypertension in your family due to heritage, you can’t change that.

However, there are four actions that you can take to lower your blood pressure.

#1  You must have a healthy diet in place.

Eating healthy can help to lower your blood pressure. Having a diet consisting of natural foods like fruits and vegetable and choices of lean meats and fish can greatly improve hypertension.

Learning which foods lead to and cause high pressure is critically important.  Processed foods, red meats, and foods high in sugar can cause high blood pressure.  Eating too many salty foods and adding a lot of salt to your food can lead to higher blood pressure levels.  And, eating the wrong kinds of food can cause you to gain weight and thereby lead to high blood pressure. 

Alcohol raises your blood pressure and so does smoking.  The Mayo Clinic Staff notes, “Over time, heavy drinking can damage your heart. Having more than two drinks a day for men and more than one drink a day for women may affect your blood pressure.” So, if you drink alcohol, you may want to think about cutting back on its consumption or quitting  all together.  

“Not only does smoking or chewing tobacco immediately raise your blood pressure temporarily, but the chemicals in tobacco can damage the lining of your artery walls. This can cause your arteries to narrow, increasing your blood pressure. Secondhand smoke also can increase your blood pressure.” (Mayo Clinic Staff) If you can’t stop smoking on your own, perhaps, you can get help from family members or your doctor.

#2  You need to maintain a healthy body weight.

For a woman, a healthy body weight is determined by the following by your age, height, and body frame.  If you are considerably overweight and feel challenged by the thought of losing a significant amount of weight, focus on shedding maybe ten or twenty pounds at a time.  Set your sights on losing about ten percent weight loss when you first start.  Shedding even ten percent of your total body weight can help to lower your blood pressure.

#3  You can exercise to lower your blood pressure and lessen how hard your heart has to work.

Even if you absolutely hate the thought of exercise, there are still ways that you can get active doing things you enjoy. If you enjoy swimming, you can swim, and, even though it’s a fun activity, it’s still exercise, and it’s helping to lower your blood pressure. Playing games like tennis or badminton can lower your blood pressure just like jogging or an aerobic workout can. 

#4  You need to lower your level of stress which will greatly lower your blood pressure.

Situations at home or in the office or chronic worrying can significantly raise your blood pressure level.  Seek out ways to change what is causing you stress, and learn ways to manage those stressful situations that you know that you cannot change.

If you’re eating right, have healthy habits in place, maintaining your weight, exercising, and avoiding stress, then you should be able to bring your numbers down to a safe level for your body.

To Your Success. Health and Wealth!


Related Articles:
How to Exercise More If You Really Hate Exercising 
How Meditation Helps to Reduce Stress   

Friday, August 28, 2015

Why Hydration Really Is Key to Weight Loss

Are you struggling to lose weight? Have you hit a plateau in your weight-loss plan? One of the reasons may be quite simple. You may not be drinking enough.  In fact, in  How to Calculate How Much Water You Should Drink A Day, the author notes that "drinking the right amount of water daily can actually speed up your metabolic rate and help to curb overeating when your body confuses hunger and thirst." (Read the article to learn how much water you should drink daily for both health and weight loss benefits: How to Calculate How Much Water You Should Drink A Day.)

Hydration is the key to weight loss. Here is why:

#1.  Drinking Water Fills You Up

Did you know that one of the first signs you’re thirsty isn’t a dry mouth. One of the first signs of thirst is often a feeling of hunger. If you eat instead of drinking a glass of water, you’re taking in unnecessary calories. You’re also still going to be thirsty, which may lead to more eating unless you quench that thirst. So the next time you feel hunger, drink a glass of water and wait fifteen to twenty minutes.

Additionally, many nutritionists and diet coaches strongly recommend drinking a glass of water before meals. This helps ensure you’re fully hydrated and can digest your food well. It also helps you eat more slowly. Eating slowly helps you recognize the signals from your body when you’re full. And of course a glass of water will take up some room in your stomach so you’ll feel full faster.

#2.  Drinking Water Flushes Toxins

One of the reasons many people recommend drinking water is because it helps your body get rid of toxins. Your kidney and liver both work quite hard to remove toxins from your body. Ensuring they’re hydrated helps your cells manage that process more effectively and efficiently.

You want to get toxins out of your body as efficiently as possible. Too many stored in your body can affect your hormones, metabolism and other factors that influence weight gain and weight loss. In short, water helps your body flush out toxins that cause your body to store fat. Get rid of the toxins and you reduce the amount of fat you’re storing.

#3.  Drinking Water Helps to Eliminate Bloat

Finally, drinking water actually helps you look and feel less bloated. The less bloated you are, the skinnier you look and feel. Looking and feeling skinny helps you continue to make good food decisions.

Do You Really Have to Drink Water?

Water is far and away the best thing for you to drink. However, coffee and tea are also beneficial in moderate amounts. Alcohol and fruit juices are fine in small quantities but they don’t really do too much to improve your hydration. Additionally, they can be loaded with calories which do not help weight loss. If you dislike water, consider drinking mineral water or waters with added flavors - not sugar.

Hydration is the key to weight loss. Try to drink a glass of water before every snack and meal. Make sure to drink a glass when you feel hungry. You’re going to be surprised how much of a difference it really makes.

To Your Success. Health and Wealth!
EPX Body

Seven Quick Snack Suggestions that Won’t Sabotage Your Weight Loss Journey

Need some quick suggestions for some healthy snacks that won't destroy your diet regimen while you are on your weight loss journey?

quick suggestions for some healthy snacks
Because... if you have decided to begin a diet and change your eating habits, you should know that doing so may provide you with some challenges. You will be faced with cravings, hunger, and the stress of handling dietary changes-- all of which can and may lead to snacking mistakes. However, if you can be ready to face these potential challenges, you will be able to keep your diet on track.

The key is to snack right - and in order to snack right, you need to plan ahead. Remember the 5 P’s: Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance. You need, therefore, to prepare for the snack attacks and have a healthy, nutritious snack available so that you can stay in control of your diet and ensure your loss.

Here are seven quick snack ideas that will not sabotage your weight loss journey:

1. Nuts - A bag of nuts is a great snack. Today Show’s Joy Bauer, nutritionist and bestselling author says “a small handful can pack your diet with filling protein, fiber, unsaturated fats, and important vitamins and minerals.” They also contain the kind of healthy fat your body needs. Grab a small Ziploc bag and fill it with a handful of almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios and even walnuts; they are not only tasty but also incredibly nutritious. (Read more here: Why You Should Go Nuts for Nuts.)

2. Peanut butter or nut butters – You can top just about anything with peanut butter.  Put it on top of celery, apples, rice cakes or even whole grain crackers.

3. Yogurt - There are many yogurts on the market, and plain, nonfat Greek yogurt is a standout. Kathleen M. Zelman, director of nutrition for WebMD, writes:
All yogurts are excellent sources of calcium, potassium, protein, zinc, and vitamins B6 and B12. What distinguishes Greek yogurt is its thicker, creamier texture because the liquid whey is strained out. Also, it contains probiotic cultures and is lower in lactose and has twice the protein content of regular yogurts.
Greek yogurt is high in protein and low in fat and calories. It comes in small packages which make it perfect for snacking. Add a tablespoon of granola and some fresh berries for a well-rounded and delicious snack…. 
Judith Rodriguez, PhD, RD, says, "Skip the extra sugar calories found in most yogurts and pump up the protein by choosing Greek yogurt." She adds that it contains twice as much protein, "which is great for weight control because it keeps you feeling full longer." (Read more here: 6 Best Foods You're Not Eating.)
4. Fruit - Fruit is an incredibly healthy way to get natural sugars, fiber and many of the nutrients your body needs. Include an apple, peach, pear or banana in your bag to snack on when you start to get hunger pangs.  You might also want to think about packing some melon, berries, or grapes; they also provide a nutritious, healthy snack.

5. Chips and guacamole – That duo certainly sounds as if it would truly sabotage your diet, right? However, baked tortilla chips and homemade guacamole are not the diet busters you might think they are. Avocados, like nuts, are rich in healthy fats.  A perfectly healthy snack for you is a spoonful of guacamole and five or six low-fat, baked, tortilla chips!

6. Hummus and veggies – Hummus, a dip made from chick peas and sesame seed paste, can be very healthy and delicious. Add celery sticks, carrots and other sliced vegetables and you have a super tasty snack.

7. Tuna or sardines – More and more evidence points to the benefits of eating fish.  Fish is full of omega fatty acids and it is high in protein. Try a healthy snack of tuna and sardines with crackers. Several companies provide a convenient snack pack which you can take for your lunch or as a snack to have on the go.

Remember: Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance!  So when you are planning your meals for the week, include time to carefully plan your snacks for the week too!  Don’t make it a chore; simply do what is easiest for you. Put your snack in places where you need them: in your desk drawer, your purse, and your glove compartment, any place where you might have a “snack attack. “

Snacks are a healthy part of a diet. They help maintain even blood sugar levels. They help you to get around munching on junk food that might satisfy those cravings and hunger pangs and they will certainly provide the nutrients that you need to achieve your weight loss goals and to get you healthy and hale!

Don’t cut out those snacks!    Welcome them, and just plan ahead.

To Your Success. Health and Wealth!
EPX Body
