What is it about this little green cruciferous plant? The bushy tops remind us of tiny trees. The smell makes us want to stay away but why do we keep coming back to this sulfur-filled little veggie? The answer is simple – it is a food for the ages.
If there is one vegetable that you need to give consideration to, it is broccoli. You have all heard about antioxidants, right? Well, getting them into your diet is a bit of a feat. Some foods contain a little and others contain a little more, so it is the combination of foods that give us as many as we can stand. No one knows for sure how many you need, but the more the merrier.
Broccoli contains polyphenols, a champion antioxidant substance. And, it contains more of it than most other vegetables and fruits. There are only two ahead of it. Antioxidants fight diseases like cancer. Eating broccoli and cauliflower (another cruciferous powerhouse) can greatly reduce your chances of developing cancer in the body. If you have already developed tumors, this vegetable can reduce their growth over time. Researchers are studying the effects right now.
Broccoli is also good for the heart. This muscle keeps us alive and the blood circulating to all parts so the cells can do their jobs. You will be challenged to find a vegetable that is richer in fiber, folate, vitamin B and C and potassium. Bananas are good but broccoli is a little better.
Folate is instrumental in preventing certain neural birth defects. Obstetricians recommend increasing folate levels during pregnancy.
Fiber helps to lower cholesterol. It gives you that feeling of fullness so that you eat less at a meal. Lower cholesterol means less clogging of the arteries and the strokes and heart attacks that can result. While the bad cholesterol numbers drop, the good cholesterol numbers rise to keep blood vessels healthy and elastic.
One serving of broccoli can provide all of these benefits and more. And, there are only 30 calories. You can eat broccoli for lunch and dinner and breakfast (if you dare) with no significant calorie gain. Broccoli can be eaten raw in slaw and salads. If you cook it, try steaming so that the vegetable retains all of its nutrition. Then add it to stir fry, casseroles and as toppings for potatoes.
What is there not to like about broccoli? If the taste is too bland, add some seasoning to liven it up. But, get a hold of this super food for strong bones, heart and health overall.
To Your Success, Health and Wealth,
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