Your Health Is Your Wealth

Your Health Is Your Wealth

Friday, August 28, 2015

Why Hydration Really Is Key to Weight Loss

Are you struggling to lose weight? Have you hit a plateau in your weight-loss plan? One of the reasons may be quite simple. You may not be drinking enough.  In fact, in  How to Calculate How Much Water You Should Drink A Day, the author notes that "drinking the right amount of water daily can actually speed up your metabolic rate and help to curb overeating when your body confuses hunger and thirst." (Read the article to learn how much water you should drink daily for both health and weight loss benefits: How to Calculate How Much Water You Should Drink A Day.)

Hydration is the key to weight loss. Here is why:

#1.  Drinking Water Fills You Up

Did you know that one of the first signs you’re thirsty isn’t a dry mouth. One of the first signs of thirst is often a feeling of hunger. If you eat instead of drinking a glass of water, you’re taking in unnecessary calories. You’re also still going to be thirsty, which may lead to more eating unless you quench that thirst. So the next time you feel hunger, drink a glass of water and wait fifteen to twenty minutes.

Additionally, many nutritionists and diet coaches strongly recommend drinking a glass of water before meals. This helps ensure you’re fully hydrated and can digest your food well. It also helps you eat more slowly. Eating slowly helps you recognize the signals from your body when you’re full. And of course a glass of water will take up some room in your stomach so you’ll feel full faster.

#2.  Drinking Water Flushes Toxins

One of the reasons many people recommend drinking water is because it helps your body get rid of toxins. Your kidney and liver both work quite hard to remove toxins from your body. Ensuring they’re hydrated helps your cells manage that process more effectively and efficiently.

You want to get toxins out of your body as efficiently as possible. Too many stored in your body can affect your hormones, metabolism and other factors that influence weight gain and weight loss. In short, water helps your body flush out toxins that cause your body to store fat. Get rid of the toxins and you reduce the amount of fat you’re storing.

#3.  Drinking Water Helps to Eliminate Bloat

Finally, drinking water actually helps you look and feel less bloated. The less bloated you are, the skinnier you look and feel. Looking and feeling skinny helps you continue to make good food decisions.

Do You Really Have to Drink Water?

Water is far and away the best thing for you to drink. However, coffee and tea are also beneficial in moderate amounts. Alcohol and fruit juices are fine in small quantities but they don’t really do too much to improve your hydration. Additionally, they can be loaded with calories which do not help weight loss. If you dislike water, consider drinking mineral water or waters with added flavors - not sugar.

Hydration is the key to weight loss. Try to drink a glass of water before every snack and meal. Make sure to drink a glass when you feel hungry. You’re going to be surprised how much of a difference it really makes.

To Your Success. Health and Wealth!
EPX Body

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